Monday, December 19, 2016

Ready to Respond to Our Customers’ Unique Needs

Velocity Partners offers a unique combination of software development prowess, Agile expertise and personal accountability to create cost-effective software solutions for our clients. Our business plan includes engaging in lots of dialogue in order to fully understand the challenges and functionality requirements for each project. 
We feel that using an Agile framework gives us the ability to respond quickly to the inherent unpredictability of software development.  With careful planning and on-going communications, our team is positioned to make changes as they develop and to avoid the potential for project risks.  Furthermore, since Agile and Scrum methodologies are incorporated into the core of our business, our clients stay informed of a project’s progress through practices such as daily standups and process and code reviews.
Each of our nearshore delivery centers (in Argentina, Uruguay, Columbia, and Venezuela) are all equipped with the latest state-of-the-art communication tools that fully support virtual teamwork.   Furthermore, our services are designed to help you scale your business by expanding your existing teams or to add development capacity within your organization.  Your team is specifically built and takes into account the technical expertise you need as well as your business domain.  Also keep in mind that since our retention rate for employees is above the industry average, there is a good likelihood that you will have the same team for the duration of your project.
We make it a point to provide our employees with a workplace that encourages creative flexibility and also offers cutting-edge training and career development.  With the help of our strong brand and attractive culture, we have been able to hire some of the most talented project managers, software architects and developers, and Scrum Masters in the field.  We know that satisfied employees translate into satisfied clients, which is our top priority.
Velocity Partners provides nearshore (Western hemisphere) expertise in software development services using a distributed Agile model that provides accurate delivery and optimal business value. Our team is comprised of talented leaders from the software development community, and we offer cost-effective solutions for any size company. Please contact us for further information regarding services from a world-class global software outsourcing company.

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